4 out of 5 landlords state that a tenant certificate or a previous landlord certificate strengthens their confidence in prospective tenants.
with money-back guarantee!
Take a look at the clear presentation in the tenant certificate here:
Previous landlord certificate / flatmate feedback: Your current landlord and flatmate(s) answer questions that prove your quality as a tenant and flatmate.
We show that your name is not listed in official sanctions or criminal databases (e.g. Interpol). OpenSanctions.org uses a large number of international databases for this purpose.
When you enter your airbnb profile, we provide this data about you:
If you enter your linkedIn profile, we will provide this data about you:
Money-back guarantee: You will get your money back if no content can be displayed in your tenant certificate (e.g. if you were unable to provide profiles and previous tenants/flatmates).
No suitable answer found? Write to us at support@rentcard.app
It is essential for landlords to choose a trustworthy and reliable tenant. With the tenant certificate, you can show that you are just such a tenant.
Behind rentcard is a founding team of experienced FinTech entrepreneurs who know the problems of both sides, tenants and landlords, from their everyday lives. Our goal is to digitise rental applications through fast, fair and data-driven technology for a fairer housing market.
We process your data fully secure in a GDPR-compliant environment and only share the data you want to explicitly pass on.
As soon as your previous landlords or flatmates have given feedback, we will add this to your tenant certificate. You will then receive the updated tenant certificate by email.
Are you unhappy with your tenant reference? Please send us an email to support@rentcard.app
5 Minutes to create, multiple times to use.